My laptop decide to call a strike as it was subjected to overuse. While Infra team is negotiating a truce with it here I am making the most of this break to reflect.
OK. So let me share with you a disagreement I had recently with my manager. He of the old world and me of the new. I believe in the power of technology and he in traditional conversation for KM. Now it has been more than 3 yrs I've spent in the field of KM and know this much, the world is on a Technology high. Most interactions are happening on various social media platforms then why be in denial. Yes I am still learning about KM as a function but can I do without Technology?
Now look at this I don't have my laptop and I feel almost handicapped today at work. Well that is how employees feel if they are not on technology platforms. If I go and tell them "guys you have to come to closed room so that so and so can talk to you". I guess I will be the only one waiting for the world to turn up there. Yes this is first hand experience and not imagination. Knowledge sharing happens less in closed rooms and more on technology enabled platforms.
In an org of 100 thousand people where at least 40 % employees are from the Digital generation they don't know any other way of interaction. The exchange of gossip, information related to studies and then work all happens on the social media. I will be a fool to deny the presence of hi-tech in the life of the employees and a bigger one if not enabling them with a similar way of interaction. Are we looking at optimum productivity from a technology enabled workforce? Then what is the point in asking them to go back to primitive ways once they are at work. Optimum productivity can be achieved only when familiar conditions are enabled at work too for this generation.
When you sell a technology to the workforce half your game is won when you are selling KM. Won't you agree?
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