Thursday, March 18, 2010

Planning starts for the annual Confluence

Tentative Plan 

26th April 2010
The Theme : Social Computing

1.Workshop on Social Computing for Deliveries and Requirements gathering from participants facilitated by Pavan Soni 45 mins 10 to 10.45
2.External speaker to share KM experience from his organization (Awaiting Confirmation from Expert) 46 mins 11 to 11.45
3.Internal Leaders conversation on “Why he is an Enterprise Blogger?”  30 mins 12 to 12.30
4.Walk in Kiosk 2 to 4
a. Be a blogger.
b. Start a Network.
c. Write/ edit Wiki

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The only source of knowledge is experience.

Said Albert Einstein.

If this is true then a knowledge broker needs to focus her energies on how she can get employees to share their experience.

Storytelling emerges as a wonderful media for this. It is very appealing because it can be used at all levels in the organization and any type of industry irrespective of level of education. The free form allows expression of emotions and intuitiveness that a person may have used to take a decision in a particular situation.

While documentation is great way of archiving all that is trasactional, operational it falls short of the ability to capture the emotions. It is not possible to have physical interactions with experts each time  however multimedia can be used effectively to capture the onetime physical storytelling session and then shared with the global workforce.

Podcasts, FM radio, video sharing should be adopted quick by organizations.